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Experience of work
Water supply and sewerage
Information technologies
Estimation of  Water supply and Sewerage
Information technologies
Water networks modeling
Programm complexes
Enterprise Resource Planning System - ВОДОКАНАЛ
Water models

Since 1995 up to 2001 the Environmental Management Project (EMP) has been being implemented in the Russian Federation. The financing of the EMP has been made out of International Bank on Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) funds. The Centre for Preparation and Implementation of International Projects on Technical Assistance (CPPI) located in Moscow and its branches in the Upper Volga region (city of Yaroslavl), North Caucasus (city of Rostov-on-Don) and Ural (city of Yekatirenburg) has been an administrative body of EMP.

The best Russian specialists have taken part in the EMP implementation, they have been selected on a strict competitive basis and have been approved by the IBRD. The selected specialists have had additional training in some foreign companies.

The Upper Volga Branch (UVB) CPPI has carried out its activities in five oblasts: Vologda, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Tver and Yaroslavl. The main lines of activities have been connected with the upgrading of the integrated regional environmental and natural resources management policies under new economic conditions, development of the investments attraction mechanisms in the environmental sphere, improvement of the drinking water supply, environmental pollution decrease, development of information systems in the sphere of the environmental protection and use.

Nowadays the EMP has been successfully completed and one of the important task is introduction of the experience accumulated, implementation and dissemination of the results obtained. Connected to this fact the firm Volga-Centre ltd. is a successor of the UVB CPPI, the latter has gone out of business at the beginning of 2001. The intellectual and technical resources of the UVB CPPI have gradually entered Volga-Centr, ltd.

The firm Volga-Centre ltd. has been established in 1998 and it's a consulting firm. Its activities are connected with the ecology and environmental protection, implementation of new technologies in the following spheres: water supply, water disposal, wastes disposal, investments attraction in the environmental friendly production, development of information systems.

"Volga-Centre" Today.

Nowdays "Volga-Centre" is a consulting organisation which acts in a few directions. Such as improvement of management, financial and technitial aspects of water supply and severage departments work. Basic types of company projects are:

  • development of plans and upgrade programs for water supply and sewerage systems;
  • development of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems;
  • integration of GIS technologies;
  • building models for water supply and sewerage networks;
  • search and elimination of leaks in water supply systems;
  • environment preservation.

The geography of activities of "Volga-centre" is extensive enough. In Yaroslavl region the firm took part in development and realisation more than 30 programs and projects connected with upgrading of water supply and sewerage systems, preservation of the environment and natural resources. Including the Program of municipal water supply perfection for Yaroslavl, the Project of modernisation and replacement main pipes and water distributive network in Yaroslavl etc. "Volga-centre" takes active part in realisation of the projects directed on improvement of drinking water supply, for the cities of Omsk, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Vladimir, Kostroma, Vologda, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskij, Berezniki, Oktyabrskij.

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